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Who needs a guru when you’ve got AI?

Whilst caught up in ever-evolving theories on how to shape Web 3.0, change is the only constant. When a few AI assisted copywriters like Jasper started to emerge, I was impressed, and I saw the immediate potential, what I didn’t realise is that AI was about to redefine the very fabric of marketing. On 30 November 2022, OpenAI quietly unleashed ChatGPT on the world; open-source AI marketing...

The Ultimate Free Chat-GPT Marketing Prompt Pack

ChatGPT is easy to use, so if you’re not getting the answers you want, it’s likely you aren’t using the correct prompts or leveraging the power to train ChatGPT on your topic. One misconception is that ChatGPT can access access current news, real-time events, or the latest information from websites – it can’t – its knowledge is frozen at its last training cut...

Pre-Launch Preparation for WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide

Launching a new WordPress website is an exciting endeavour, but it’s crucial to ensure that all the elements are in place before unveiling your digital masterpiece to the world. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key steps of pre-launch preparation for WordPress websites, covering everything from design and development to testing and optimisation. Let’s dive...

What is Gamification in marketing, and does it work?

In the dynamic world of marketing, where trends come and go, there’s an ever-evolving concept that helps reshape the way brands engage with their audiences: gamification. Imagine turning the often mundane act of shopping into an exciting adventure, where customers embark on a journey filled with challenges, rewards, and achievements. This is precisely what gamification in marketing does –...

Why You Should Google Your Business

I’ve been a promoter of live events and entertainment since I was 17 years old. This month is my 47th birthday, which marks 30 years of a career in FUN! In 2015 I quit my job with Australia’s fastest growing entertainment company, and started my own small business called Agent Digital with the idea I’d be free to travel and work online creating websites and doing digital marketing. And for a...

What is the impact of the iPhone update on my Meta Ads?

You would have had to be living under a rock to not hear something about how the recent iPhone update (iOS14+) has impacted Facebook advertisers. You only need to login to Ads Manager and see warnings galore, and they’ve been there for over 12 months. But what does it actually mean? And what do you need to do in the short and long term? Are Facebook Ads ruined forever? First of all, as I...